
Showing posts from April, 2018

Final Submission I changed around some fonts and some colors to match and go with the entire theme of the webpage. The logo on the top left brings you back to the home page, and the arrows on the sides do navigate to the next or previous pages. I also created social media pages that, when clicked, the social media icons bring you to. In all, I'm very happy and proud of how this website came out!

Website Link Link to my Website! I'm still trying to decide what to put in the home page to make it feel less boring, but everything else is pretty much how I'd like it. I'm open to any thoughts as always though!

Website Link

Here's the link to give view my current website ideas.

Website Sketch

For this project, I've decided I'd like to create a website. I plan to make a fairly simple, but nice looking portfolio type page, showcasing my work as well as offering similar services to other people, i.e., create a logo for them. I intend to have some simple designs incorporated, perhaps a clean, but unique bar where the "About Me," "Portfolio," etc. are. I think this should be a fun and very helpful project as making websites seems to be a really great thing to know how to do these days. Here are some very basic sketches of whats in my head for my portfolio.